Monday, February 6, 2017

Whatsis, Whosis, Thesis! Part 4: Character Analysis

Nathan Detroit
-          FACTS
o   Name: Nathaniel De Stasio, otherwise known as Nathan Detroit
o   Age: 44
o   Religion: I was raised Roman Catholic, with my mother taking me and my siblings to mass every Sunday.  As I grew older, I became disenfranchised with the thought of the church.  I had more pressing things in my life than sitting through a service every week that railed against my livelihood.   Though I do not follow any type of organized religion at this point in my life, I do believe in some higher power.  How else could I have such a successful crap game, and a lovely doll like Miss Adelaide?
o   Family: I am the oldest of five children (three boys and two girls).  My father sadly passed away when I was ten years of age in a factory accident.  My mother passed once all of her children had moved out of the house.  I have very little contact with my siblings, but there is no animosity between us.  With my sullied dealings with the criminal elite, it is far safer to keep our contact limited.  Adelaide is my new family, and I often consider Benny and Nicely part of my family. However, they would be more extended family: potentially second cousins by law. 
o   Temperament: I need to be in control, though I have no problem delegating tasks. I consider myself cool-headed, even in times of strife; I cannot act otherwise in the profession I have chosen for myself.  However, Lieutenant Brannigan causes me trouble to no end, and I often find it difficult to control my attitude around him.  In addition, Adelaide keeps me calm, unless I have done something to offend.  Then I am ridiculed for my lack of commitment. 
o   What Do I?
§  Love: Adelaide; watching Adelaide take the stage at the Hot Box; the sound of a pair of dice being rolled across the floor; the smell of well-earned cash;
§  Like: Benny and Nicely; a good piece of Mindy’s cheesecake; my crapshooters; the thrill of staying one step ahead of the cops
§  Hate: Big Jule; Lieutenant Brannigan; disappointing Adelaide
§  Dislike: policemen; Joey Biltmore and his garage; letters from Adelaide’s mother;
o   Function: Within the confines of the play, I am a leader in the community.  Most, if not all, of the gamblers in town look to me to provide a safe haven where they may shoot craps in peace.  They know I will always look out for my customers, and I would never let the police catch them.  I am the enabler of their livelihoods.  Also, I am the antagonist towards the plot.  I am the one who bets Sky he could not take Miss Sarah all the way to Havana.  Without that bet, he never would have taken her, they would not have fallen in love, and I more than likely would not have found a place for the crap game.  That simple little bet is the starting point for action that takes place. 
o   Position: I am a leader in the community: the crapshooters respect me (to some extent), and Benny and Nicely are never too imposed by whatever I have them do.  I consider myself to be a conscientious man in my dealings with the law, and those who may do me harm.  I never blow up at Brannigan, and I only exchange words with Big Jule when I have suffered immense humiliation at his hand. 
o   Changes: At the beginning of the show, my sole pursuit is to find a prime location for the crap game.  Though I care for Adelaide, and I want to be with her, the game needs to happen.  Then I will have the money to treat her the way she deserves.  By the end of the show, I have given up on my gambling exploits.  Adelaide and I have settled down comfortably in a nice apartment while I run the newsstand adjacent to Mindy’s, thereby allowing me plenty of customers, and easy access to cheesecake.  The simplest reasoning for why I have changed comes from my actions in the sewer.  I was quickly aware that there was very little chance I would leave the sewers alive.  In that instant before Sky and Nicely enter, I saw my entire existence flash before my eyes, and I knew if I wanted anything to do with Adelaide I had to get out of the game as soon as possible.  It had become far too dangerous. 
o   Relationships to Time, Place, and One Another
§  Act 1, Scene 1
·         I am at the newsstand on the corner from Mindy’s Restaurant.  It is early in the morning on a Tuesday, and I have been trying to hide from the prying eyes of Lieutenant Brannigan.  Sadly, he and his crony were in the vicinity of the newsstand, and caught me unawares.  I am comfortable with Nicely and Benny, but Brannigan rubs me the wrong way.  He continuously tries to stop my crap game, but fails every time.  Besides my cronies, however, I am very comfortable among my fellow gamblers.  They look up to me, and I make sure to respect their time and money at my games.  Adelaide may be the one person I feel the most relaxed with.  She brings out my inner romantic, and she always looks more beautiful than the day I met her.  Even though I lie to her, I would do anything for her love…except give up the crap game.  I will not do that.  In addition, Sky Masterson may be one of my oldest friends.  Though we have a slight rivalry, I have always considered him a strong man and one hell of a gambler.  He does have his weakness though, and I must use it to my favor.  He cannot turn down a crazy bet, and he will be an easy mark to get the money for the Biltmore garage.
§  Act 1, Scene 3
·         It is later in the evening, and I am at the phone booth around the corner from the Hot Box.  I am already late to see the first show, and Adelaide will be missing me.  However, I need to call Joey Biltmore to handle the arrangements for the game the next night.  There are far too many tourists around, but I cannot help but be polite to them.  After all, they could be looking for some action.  Like our lovely local streetwalkers, Dolly and Roxy.  Lovely ladies in their own right, I quickly and curtly send them on their way.  The only other person to share the booth with me is Brannigan’s toady.  He rubs me the wrong way, and I cannot get him to join my payroll, which makes me nervous.  Joey is actually an old friend, which explains why he is wary to loan me the use of his garage without any insurance.  Unfortunately, I have welched on a couple of deals that he had a lot of money riding on. 
§  Act 1, Scene 4
·         I am in the Hot Box, watching Adelaide’s show.  This is only several minutes after I have gotten off the phone with Joey Biltmore.  Thankfully, Adelaide always puts me in a good mood.  I love being with her, and I truly love her.  However, the concept of marriage almost makes me sick.  I have seen far too many relationships fizzle once marriage was brought into the equation.  I am fine and dandy until Adelaide mentions the lies she has been passing along to her mother.  Now I feel worse for stringing her along for so many years.  Into this situation enters Mimi, one of Adelaide’s fellow dancers.  I have been on good terms with Mimi, and I have had very few complaints from her.  She goes with a respectable gentlemen by the name of Society Max, a bit of a lush with an air of the finer things.  That being said, she has the worst timing ever and rats out my crap game to Adelaide.  You would think she would have more common sense based on how attractive she is.   
§  Act 1, Scene 7
·         It is just after sunset on Wednesday, and my fellow crapshooters are waiting for me a couple of blocks from Joey’s garage.  That way we will not draw suspicion to the location.  I love these guys; some of them are my best customers, like Angie the Ox, Midget Jones, and Liver Lips Louie.  Others I have not had the pleasure of working with in a gambling capacity, but I have heard tales of their exploits.  Men like Big Jule and Brandy Bottle Bates are serious high rollers, and it is a very big deal to have them be part of my game if only for one night.  I feel comfortable with everything until Brannigan shows up.  Big Jule is bound to do something I will later regret, so I need to keep the peace.  Sadly, Benny also tries to keep the peace, and he claims we are gathered for a bachelor dinner right as Adelaide passes by.  I now have no choice but to get married.  If I do not, Brannigan will know something is wrong.  I would expect Benny to be not very comfortable with me at this point. 
§  Act 1, Scene 10
·         It is close to five in the morning when the gamblers and I come running out of the Save-A-Soul mission when Liver Lips Louie gives us the whistle.  I am not comfortable in this situation, and I feel as though I have betrayed the nice folks of the mission, including Miss Sarah.  However, we needed a place to play, and the mission band admitted they were making an all-night pilgrimage to fight sin.  My only hope is we will be forgiven for our discretion.
§  Act 2, Scene 3
·         It is around ten o’clock on Thursday night, and I am with all of the crapshooters down in the sewers under 39th Street.  Though many of my games have suffered terrible durations, nothing has prepared me for the sheer length of time that Big Jule wants to gamble.  We have been shooting crap for over twenty-four hours by this point, and he does not want to stop until he makes back all the money he has lost.  Sadly, that might take another forty-eight hours based on the way he has been playing.  I am no longer comfortable with the man, nor with Harry the Horse and Brandy Bottle Bates.  They have made far too many demands on me and my game.  This is my realm, and they are merely my guests.  In confronting them, I know I hold my life in my hands.  The saving grace comes in the form of Sky and his cockamamie bet for our souls.  I have lost everything else, so why not sell my soul as well. 
§  Act 2, Scene 4
·         I come across Adelaide on the street as I am on my way to the Mission for the prayer meeting.  After spending the past several hours in fear of my life, it is a blessing to see her.  Sadly, she rebukes me until we both have a bit of a breakdown.  Her mother has sent me a letter, and I am now fully involved in the lie.  I agree to the elopement on my own terms now, but I also must go to the prayer meeting.  I have given my marker, and my marker is as good as gold.  To Adelaide, however, this is the last straw.  The one time I am honest with her is the one time she thinks I am lying.  The only person I am truly comfortable with thinks I am a fraud, and I am not able to win her back to my side. 
§  Act 2, Scene 5
·         The Save-A-Soul Mission is a not a comfortable home to any of the crapshooters.  Religion does not hold much sway in the gambling world, and I personally feel ashamed for holding the game in the Mission the previous night.  Though I may not be very comfortable with all of the Mission folk, I do respect them, and they will not get that from anyone else. The only time I am not at ease occurs when Lieutenant Brannigan enters in an attempt to catch us unawares.  I know I can rely on Nicely to change the mood in the room, though I never know how far he is going to go sometimes.  Thankfully, he gives me enough time to think about getting Brannigan out of there.  I truly owe a great deal of gratitude to Miss Sarah; she knows that we shot craps in the Mission, and she willingly lied to an officer of the law.  I am actually quite proud of the Mission doll.
§  Act 2, Scene 7
·         I am back at the newsstand on the corner from Mindy’s.  This is my new home now.  I have given up the game for Adelaide’s sake, and have taken over the newsstand.  While I will still entertain small bets and things of that nature, no longer will my life be run by the dice.  I have grown far too old to continue in such actions, and Adelaide means more to me than any craps game could.  I am very comfortable in my situation, and with the company I keep.  Nicely and Benny are still in my employ though they now also proselytize for the Save-A-Soul Mission in their down time.  All ends on a happy note, and I have found my happiness.
o   Physical Behaviors: I am prone to gesturing more with my right hand than my left.  Multiple altercations when I was younger made me always have my left ready to defend, thereby allowing a stronger attack from my right.  I also stand confidently.  Brannigan is continuously in my face, and I always try to take the high road with him.  I may make digs at his expense, but I can never show fear to him.  Otherwise I would be bound to slip up and find myself in jail. 
-          TEXT WORK
o   What is Said About Me
§  I'm looking for a place for the crap game (pg. 7)
§  I've been running a floating crap game around the town, and getting away with it by moving it to a different spot every night (pg. 8)
§  My marker is no good for Joey Biltmore (pg. 10)
§  I'm good, old, and reliable (pg. 12)
§  I'd furnish the spot for a pleasant game of craps (pg. 12)
§  I’m apparently a cheap bum (pg. 16)
§  I'm very thoughtful, and just the sweetest person (pg. 18)
§  I'm not known to be a betting man (pg. 20)
§  I don't know the color of my own neck tie (pg. 21)
§  I am trapped in my relationship with Adelaide (pg. 22)
§  I would lie to Joey Biltmore (pg. 36)
§  Adelaide thinks I'm handsome (pg. 41)
§  Adelaide is my weakness (pg. 50)
§  I'm getting married (pg. 59)
§  I have not been at the Hot Box (pg. 79)
§  I need to bring my own messages (pg. 80)
§  I don't belong in a life like that (pg. 82)
§  I have quite a bundle of cash from the craps game (pg. 90)
§  I have a soul someplace (pg. 98)
§  I'm a fictional assistant manager at an A. & P. (pg. 104)
§  I promise Adelaide a lot, but never follow through (pg. 106)
§  I'm in charge of the gamblers at the prayer meeting (pg. 110)
o   What I Say About Myself
§  I’m having terrible trouble trying to find a spot for the crap game (pg. 9)
§  I merely run a crap game for the convenience of those who want a little action, in return for which I take a small cut (pg. 9)
§  I've tried all the regular places for the game (pg. 10)
§  I went to the Biltmore Garage, and spoke to Joey Biltmore (pg. 10)
§  My marker is as good as gold (pg. 11)
§  I've been running the crap game since I was a juvenile delinquent (pg. 11)
§  I'm broke, and unable to buy a present for Adelaide on the 14th anniversary of our engagement (pg. 11)
§  I could make a fortune having a game at this time (pg. 11)
§  If I only had a lousy little grand, I could be a millionaire (pg. 13)
§  I'm perfectly willing to place a bet with Sky Masterson, providing I can figure out a bet on which there is no chance of losing (pg. 15)
§  I will eventually be in the money (pg. 17)
§  I don't want to unload Adelaide; I love her (pg. 22)
§  I'll have the money for Joey Biltmore tomorrow (pg. 36)
§  I've known Joey Biltmore for a long time (pg. 37)
§  I wish I had a bet on my imaginary son's football game (pg. 43)
§  My crap game was closed by the city, and they want to open my veins (pg. 45)
§  I love Adelaide, and I want us two to be the happiest married couple that there is in the world (pg. 45)
§  I have to stall the guys before the game (pg. 56)
§  When I arrange something, you can count on it (pg. 58)
§  I'll be at the Hot Box, dressed to the nines and ready to elope (pg. 62)
§  I've known Adelaide for 14 years (pg. 62)
§  I am fresh as a daisy (pg. 89)
§  I do not have the money to pay back Sky (pg. 97)
§  I don't know if I have a soul (pg. 98)
§  I feel like a heel (pg. 105)
§  I have to go to a prayer meeting (pg. 105)
§  I didn't get a place for the wedding (pg. 128)
o   What the Script Says About Me
§  I’m alone (pg. 18)
§  I'm disgusted at the color of my tie (pg. 21)
§  I'm on my knees pleading to Adelaide (pg. 46)
§  I'm afraid of Big Jule (pg. 58)
§  I don't realize Benny's plan against Brannigan (pg. 60)
§  I'm heartbroken when I realize Sarah is no longer with the Mission Band (pg. 63)
§  I've been playing craps in the Mission (pg. 75)
§  I stand up to Big Jule (pg. 94)
-          PAST
o   My Childhood: Born in 1906, I became the man of the family at a young age, and helped to provide for the family as best as I could.  My mother took in laundry while my brothers and sisters did odd jobs and worked as runners for some of the local markets.  I worked mostly down at the jazz clubs as a runner for some of the owners.  I worked hard, and kept my mouth shut, so the owners respected me, and they would tip me considerably better than some of the other kids.  All of that money would go to my mother to cover bills and rent.  She was not the biggest fan of the night clubs and the people that frequented them, but she came to rely on the money.  As we grew older, my siblings branched off, and they came into their own with their businesses and lives.  I still see them from time to time, but I try to stay away some.  I did not want Brannigan to bother my family, especially my mother, who lives with my youngest brother. 
o   Lasting Memories
§  I eventually began working for one night club only: Hot Horse Herbie’s Hot Box.  It was a reputable establishment in the front, but Herbie ran some games in the back.  The year was 1927, and I was a mere twenty years old.  My main job was to make sure everyone was having a good time, and acting as a gofer for the gamblers.  One night, Herbie pulled me aside and told me to work one of the craps games.  The normal dealer had an unfortunate accident (may he rest in peace), and he was in a bind.  I had been following the game well enough, and had run a few simple games outside on my nights off.  On those occasions, I had a couple kids from the neighborhood serving as my gofers: Benny Southstreet and Nicely Nicely Johnson.  They were good kids, and reminded me a lot of myself at the time.  Anyway, I worked as a dealer for the rest of the year until I started to get the itch to start my own game.  I brought the idea to Herbie, and he was surprisingly supportive.  He realized that my game would appeal to a younger crowd, and he wanted to put more time and effort into the club itself.  The night I left his employment, he handed me the dice I had used the night he first let me deal.  To this day I still keep them in my coat pocket.  They are my lucky charm.
§  One of the best memories I have of my short life thus far is the first time I met my fiancée of the past 14 years, Miss Adelaide.  The year was 1934.  We were enmeshed in the Depression, and I was twenty-eight years of age.  Fate had not been kind to me in the world of romance, and I found myself alone, running my simple game of chance.  One night, I found myself in the audience of the Hot Box Club, entertaining a few out-of-town guests, when my focus is quickly taken by a new dancer on the stage.  I soon find myself attending the show every night, trying to gain her attention.  I am not the only mug doing so, however.  Quite a few of my associates are smitten with her, and she takes her time stepping out with every one of them.  I would meet her at the stage door every night, but she always shot me down.  Thankfully, Hot Horse Herbie was still running the club.  He put in a good word for me, and she let me take her out to Coney Island.  No other date had done this, so Adelaide was a little apprehensive.  We had a great time, though, and we rode everything at least once.  The best part was walking along the boardwalk and sharing a simple bag of peanuts as we looked at the stars.  She never went out with another guy after that night.  Some say it was luck, but nothing beats out the Detroit charisma. 
§  After dating for close to two years, Adelaide started to get anxious.  She came from a big family, much like me, and she wanted to give her mother grandkids while she was still young.  I loved her endlessly, but my craps game was becoming very dangerous and it was difficult to keep money around.  With both of us working, we were lucky to afford a nice room in a hotel that rented out suites.  I made a promise to her that I would marry her, and I got down on one knee before her one night at the Hot Box.  I could not afford the perfect ring at the time, but I made one out of a playing card.  She accepted me on the spot, and we started to make wedding plans.  Fourteen years later, we are still making those same wedding plans. 
o   Given Circumstances
§  I’m good, old, and reliable
§  I've been engaged for 14 years
§  I'm looking for a place for the crap game
§  I love Adelaide, and I want us two to be the happiest married couple that there is in the world
§  I've been running a floating crap game around the town, and getting away with it by moving it to a different spot every night
o   My Private Audience: My private audience is made up of quite the odd assortment of characters.  Most importantly, I value the opinion and approval of Miss Adelaide, my long-suffering fiancée of 14 years.  I've known her for such a long time, and I continue to find it amazing that she has put up with my antics for so long.  I also tend to seek the approval of Sky Masterson.  Our minor wager will either make or break my existence
-          PRESENT
o   Super Objective: I want to make enough money to give Adelaide the life she deserves.
o   Act 1, Scene 1
§  Objective: I want to find a place for the game without Brannigan and Adelaide finding out.
§  Obstacles: Brannigan is constantly breathing down my neck, trying to find out where the game is going to be.  Adelaide is another obstacle: I promised here that I would stop running the crap game.  Sadly, she believed me.  Now I must work behind both of their backs.  In addition, with Brannigan doing everything he can to stop me; I have very few options on locations for the game.  Joey Biltmore will let me use his garage but only if I pay him $1,000.
§  Tactics: Mock, Derail, Deliberate, Wager
o   Act 1, Scene 3
§  Objective: I want Joey Biltmore to give me the use of his garage for the crap game.
§  Obstacles: Brannigan’s right hand cop tends to follow me around, which makes it very hard to organize anything.  Also, I have wronged Joey Biltmore in the past.  He has a very hard time trusting me, and that is why he wants his money first before he lets me use his garage.  I understand his rationale, but I have enough stress in my life without him getting on my case.
§  Tactics: Antagonize, Charm, Plead, Request
o   Act 1, Scene 4
§  Objective: I want Adelaide to stop lying to her mother, thereby making life harder for us. 
§  Obstacles: Adelaide has now involved me in her web of lies; we now have 5 children without even being married.  Not only that, but Mimi has revealed to Adelaide that I am still running the game.  I now have to gain her trust all over again. 
§  Tactics: Allure, Defend, Retreat, Probe
§  Change in Objective: I want to keep Adelaide from leaving me.
o   Act 1, Scene 7
§  Objective: I want the money from Sky to show up so that I can pay Joey.
§  Obstacles: Sky still has not shown up with the money, and Harry brings some very serious players to the game.  The game needs to occur, or I may suffer an attempt on my life.  Also, Lieutenant Brannigan has to come in and cause panic in all of my customers.  On top of all this, Adelaide walks by, and I get roped in to eloping with her.  I do want to get married, but not under these circumstances.
§  Tactics:  Relent, Welcome, Anticipate, Compel
o   Act 1, Scene 10
§  Objective: I want to stay ahead of the police when they raid the Save-A-Soul mission.
§  Obstacles: Big Jule still wants to shoot craps while we are chased by the police.  He will not relent until he makes back all of the money he has lost.  In addition, the Mission folk are back from their all night search for sin, and were going to find us momentarily if Liver Lips Louie had not given us a warning whistle.
§  Tactics: Flee, Protect, Jeer, Herd
o   Act 2, Scene 3
§  Objective: I want Big Jule to stop shooting crap so that I may get out of this sewer alive. 
§  Obstacles: Big Jule will not stop rolling the dice until he makes back the money he has lost.  He even bets me, and I am not a gambler when my own game is concerned.  I would rather be on the outside of the situation, but he will only play with his “no-spot” dice, and I am out of money in moments.  There is also a good chance that I would have lost my life if Sky and Nicely did not arrive when they did. 
§  Tactics: Confront, Stake, Officiate, Provoke
o   Act 2, Scene 4
§  Objective: I want Adelaide to understand that I truly love her, but that I am who I am, and it is going to be hard for me to change. 
§  Obstacles: Adelaide cannot get past her preconceptions of me.  I have lied to her so often, yet she always took it as truth.  The first time I actually tell her the truth, she calls me out for lying to her.  I am damned if I do, and damned if I don’t.  Also, her mother has put us into a bind: she thinks I am the assistant manager of an A & P, and she appreciates all that I have done for her daughter.  It only seems right to elope at this point, but Adelaide just will not accept my stories anymore. 
§  Tactics: Plead, Grovel, Accept, Bare
o   Act 2, Scene 5
§  Objective: I want to make it through the prayer meeting without any problems.
§  Obstacles: None of the crapshooters want to be here, myself included.  But I gave my marker to Sky, and I intend to follow through on my promise.  With that, Brannigan barges in to arrest us all, so we need to be on our best behavior to stay out of his clutches.  Sarah knows that we played craps in the Mission, and we need to put our faith in her mercy so she does not turn us in.
§  Tactics: Testify, Trust, Deceive, Honor
o   Act 2, Scene 7
§  Objective: I want to marry Adelaide in a simple little service, and get back to work at the newsstand. 
§  Obstacles: I have forgotten to arrange a minister and church for the wedding, making it much harder to keep my promise to Adelaide.  Also, the streets are crowded, and I may potentially be allergic to the thought of being wed. 
§  Tactics: Apologize, Question, Vow, Appease
o   Immediate Conditioning Forces
§  Location: The streets of New York are my home.  I know the alleys, clubs, and jail cells like the back of my hand.  The only time I am not comfortable occurs when we are shooting craps in the sewers.  I have a thing against closed spaces, and there are a lot of dangerous folks playing with us.  If we are all jammed together in the same place, tempers are bound to erupt.  Even the Mission has a homey feel that makes me seemed welcome there. 
§  Environment: I surround myself with good people.  Nicely and Benny may be a little annoying sometimes, but they know how to listen and they know what I expect of them.  I do feel ill at ease when Big Jule and Harry are around.  They are considerably tougher than I, and I put my head on the chopping block whenever I deal with them.  Adelaide is one of the best people I know, and she is a saint for putting up with me and all of my shenanigans.
§  Mood: I try to be in a pleasant mood at all times.  It does vary depending on who is around me.  Adelaide brings out the best in me, as do Nicely and Benny.  Sky Masterson makes me want to be a better person: he is a brilliant gambler, but he has no qualms about doing dangerous things, or taking quick trips to Havana for a night.  I wish I could be that adventurous sometimes.  Brannigan and Big Jule do make me more apprehensive than I like to be, and Joey Biltmore just has the propensity for making me mad. 
§  Weather: Besides some low lying smog, the weather is fairly pleasant.  It is a very touristy time of year, and the heat does not get to bothersome during the day.  I will admit that the nights carry a bit of a chill, but nothing too horrendous. 
o   Treasured Possessions: My most treasured possessions would have to be my dice.  Though I use several pairs for the games themselves, I always carry the first set of dice I received from Hot Horse Herbie before he left for Florida.  He taught me the game, and I owe so much to him.  He became the father figure I was lacking during my teen years, and I am a better man because I knew him. 
o   Most Interested In: I am most interested in what is going to happen with Adelaide and I.  We have been a couple for so long, we were essentially married.  We just did not have all of the paperwork.  I also want to know what she plans to do to cover her lies to her mother.  There is no easy way to cover up five missing children, or the fact that I do not have a job at an A & P.  Adelaide dug herself a hole here, and I will help her get out of it.  It is just going to take time and a considerable amount of work. 
o   Least Interested In: I am least interested in what will happen with Big Jule and Harry the Horse.  Because I am no longer running the crap game, they will need to find other action when they are in the city.  My hope is that, when they get arrested (as they are likely to be), there will not be enough evidence to connect me to them in any way, shape, or form. 
o   Occasions of the Magic If
§  The actor is not charming like I am; the actor is not a good gambler like myself; the actor has difficulty in lying to his significant other;
o   In the play, I discover that Adelaide is far more important than some crummy crap game.  She puts up with all of my little idiosyncrasies, and I have treated her terribly.  I would rather have her in my life than the game. 
o   In the play, I decide that it is more important to be with Adelaide, the woman that I love, than with the crapshooters.  If we both work hard, we can have a wonderful life without any threat of the law coming after me. 
o   In the play, I decide that the crap game is no longer as important to me.  Yes, it gave me a great start to be the man I am today.  However, times have changed since I first began it, and it has become much too burdensome for me to handle.  I would rather spend the rest of my days with the woman I love.
-          EXPECTATION
o   In the future, should I reach my objective, Adelaide and I will live happily ever after, with Nicely and Benny babysitting our kids on date night. 
-          ABSTRACT
o   If I were…
§  Animal: I would like to be a raccoon.  They are sly and sneaky, but still have a caring side to them when dealing with their families.  Also, I always feel like I am being hunted by the hounds (Brannigan).
§  Tree: I would like to be a pine tree.  While being shade bearing, I have the propensity to be useful on many different occasions. 
§  Fabric: I would like to be wool.  I am sturdy, dependable, and slightly irritating from time to time. 
§  Food: I would be a piece of Mindy’s cheesecake, with a drizzle of chocolate sauce right on top, and I would be served with a hot cup of black coffee.  Nothing seems simpler or more comforting.
o   Images/Words that Describe Me: Charming, Loveable, a raccoon, Romantic, Reliable
A Phrase that Summarizes Who I Am: "Why, it's Good, Old, Reliable Nathan…Detroit"

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